A comment from a passerby...

I was working on a mural in the Bergen-Layafette neighborhood of Jersey City.. the other day… dont know when this will post but today is the 30th of November in the shittiest of year of 2020 hahahaha…. anyways I while painting a dude from the neighborhood stops by to tell me that he has been stopping by this wall everyday because every time he sees something new…. I was completely elated… for thats literally my hope for my work…. it makes the work ALIVE… and for me thats what art is supposed to be.. something that goes onto create other moments… other aesthetic experiences …. thats what i look for in art.. be it visual or audio… for example.. I’ve been listening to COMPANY FLOW FUNCRUSHER PLUS since 1998 and I am still finding new things contained with the music.. be it a lyric or a random sound… its continued to grow with me over the years…

That comment is what sets my intention when creating something… I want the observer to see something for themselves… despite whatever I am painting. I’m just working from the fuel I get from the collective consciousness … everyone has the same access to it they just have to realize its existence……

I think this comment is going to be what can set me off in writing more about my work… process and intentions for creating art because it is exactly what I want for my work.